- Enable Integration under Settings> Integrations
- Accubook URL for bookings is required - usually https://cmapi.secure-online-booking.com/netaffinity.ashx. If in doubt, please check with Accubook
- Remove Closeouts & Min Stays on the booking engine
- For Child Rates, set these in Net Affinity - AccuBook will send through Room Prices and these should not overwrite the child rates.
- Floating Rates & Central Availability will still work - no special set up required.
- Once the above set up is completed, advise Accubook to push through rates, availability, closeouts & min stays to NetAffinity booking engine
- Close out management via channel manager: Accubook restrictions are sent based on RatePlan/Room Type combination

To review the restrictions, you will need to expand each Room/Rateplan group:

If you see restrictions applied for 'Whole Hotel' it means these have been put in place manually on your booking engine and can't be overridden by Accubook.
The best practice is to keep all restrictions coming from Accubook - you may want to remove the restrictions you have in place for whole hotel and send them over from Accubook instead.
The Booking Engine stores closeouts and minimum stays together. It means once you closeout room and then open it again you have to send minimum stay for that room / rate / day combination again;otherwise minimum stay will be default rateplan minimum stay