- Booking Engine Version 1
- Reports
How do I calculate commission payable on my invoice?
Monthly invoices are always calculated from the first to the last day of the month.
Gross bookings value based on date of departure, excluding cancellations, unless otherwise agreed.
We do not send breakdowns because they come directly from and are available at all times within the back end of your Booking Engine, which is password protected for your security but your reservations team and / or management would have access. If you also require access, please contact clientsuccess@netaffinity.com
To access this report:
Log in to your Booking Engine.
Charge is calculated by you making the following selections:
- Type selection is “Date of Departure”
- Date selection is from the first day of the month to the last day of the month
- Exclude all URLs related to any consolidators that are invoiced separately, e.g. Select Hotels, or a group consolidator.
- Exclude all Cancelled bookings under Booking State
Click “Show Bookings” and the total gross value of the bookings will appear which is what is used to calculate the commission
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and GENERATE EXPORT, if required
All the bookings will be broken down by Booking ID and downloaded as an excel data file that can be manipulated to suit your requirements