- Booking Engine Version 1
- FAQs - Booking Engine
How does the occupant pricing feature work?
Occupant pricing appears for additional occupant types, e.g. child or infant on Personalise your Stay page on the booking process.
This shows for all additional occupant types, e.g. Children, Extra Adults, etc. It does not appear for Adults.
The price is pulled from rates loaded against each occupant type on that date(s) e.g. if it’s €25 per night, and the search is for 2 nights, it shows €50.
If an occupant stays free of charge, the rate is set to €0, and the zero value is displayed to highlight to the user that there is no extra charge.
If there is no rate loaded for the occupant type, i.e. it’s n/a, the occupant type will not display anyway.
This has feature been rolled out for all Net Affinity Booking Engines and will appear on all rates / rooms with additional occupants.