- Other
How to Edit the Image on the Remember Dates / Welcome Back Message
Remember Dates - Welcome Back Message
You can edit the image and the color of the font for the Welcome Back Message. Please follow the instructions below:
- Login to the CMS go to Pages and Edit the Home page
- Go to Advanced Settings and locate the WELCOMEBACKIMAGE
You can Change image and Delete the current image and Crop the image selected.
If you delete the image, a Net Affinity Stock Image will be displaying.
The Image size is 489x312.
Hint: Remember to enter the Alt image text to describe the image to visitors who are unable to see them and also to add a relevant Title.

- You can also change the Welcome Back Message’s background color. Within the Home Page Advanced Settings you will find the field WELCOMEBACKBACKGROUNDCOLOUR where you can insert the color code.
- To change the Call to Action button color, please go to the Home page > Advanced Settings > Find the WELCOMEBACKCTACOLOUR and insert the color code in the text field.

Useful Links : Rapid Tables- HEX color Conversion