1. Booking Engine Version 1
  2. Rateplans, Room Types & Occupants

How to set up a room type

  • Go to Admin >Room Types
  • Click 'Add New Room Type'
  • Update all details associated with the room type you are adding
    • Name: Name of Room Type
    • Room Category: This relates to how many people can stay in the room i.e Single is one person, Double is two people, Triple is three etc.
    • Featured Image: The image that will appear on the front end of the booking engine
    • Image Gallery: Multiple images for a user to look at during the booking process. It is recommended to have several images under each Room Type gallery so images appear on mobile.
    • Minimum No. of Occupants: The minimum number of occupants bookable for this room type.
    • Maximum No. of Occupants: The maximum number of occupants bookable for this room type
  • Create