How to set up a voucher group

To set up a new voucher group in the booking engine please follow the following steps:

  • Go to ‘Vouchers’ > ‘Voucher Groups’ and click on ‘Add New Voucher Group’


  •   Complete all the fields
    • Name: Name of the voucher group
    • Code: This enables separate tabs on the vouchers page results. Enter a code for the voucher group e.g. first three letters of the voucher group. Note the code does not display for the front end users

    • Notification emails: Enter additional email addresses to receive notification of the voucher sale. This can be left blank if not needed. If left blank, the email notification will be automatically sent to the default email address set up on the booking engine
    • Sell Sequence: Control the order the voucher group will appear in
    • Multiple voucher use: leave unticked if the voucher can only be used once or tick the box to allow using the voucher amount multiple times until it's used up.
    • Description: enter a short description of the voucher group
    • SEO Title, Description and Keywords: leave these blank