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  2. How To's - Website Builder

How to update the main/footer menu?

A page can be added to both the main menu and footer menu under Modules

  1. How to add a page to main menu
  2. How to add a page to footer menu


1) How to Add a Page to Main Menu

wb menu 1
  • Go to Modules > Menus
  • Select Main Menu
wb menu 2
  • Select Add New Item
wb menu 3
  • Complete the information as follows: 
    • Type:
      • Single Page: The item will include no subpages
      • Page with subpages: The item will include a drop down menu with subpages 
      • Manual: The item will redirect to external url, ie booking engine
    • Custom Title: Title of the page to display on the menu
    • Pages: Choose page already created within the CMS to link to
    • Parent: Used to add the item as a subpage of another page. It can be left blank if not required.
    • Target:
      • Parent: Open within the same page
      • Blank: Open in a new tab
  • Add


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2)How to Add a Page to Footer Menu

wb menu 5
  • Go to Modules > Menus
  • Select Footer Menu
wb menu 6
  • Select Add New Item
wb menu 7
  • Complete the information as follows: 
    • Type: Single page or Manual (for linking to external url ie reviews)
    • Custom Title: Title of the page to display on the menu
    • Pages: Choose page already created within the CMS to link to
    • Parent: Leave blank
    • Target:
      • Parent: Open within the same page
      • Blank: Open in a new tab
  • Add
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