Trust Payments

Enabling Trust Payments

Two credentials are required from Trust Payments:

  1. Site Reference
  2. Site Security Password

Trust Payments will need to set these up for the client before enabling the integration in your  system(s).

Select the Trust Payments option within Integrations > Payment Providers. The Site Reference and Site Security Password can be entered here:

Booking Widget/ Online Voucher Widget

This payment provider requires the full address to be used on the reservation form.

No extra fields will be added to the reservation form, but when Complete my booking is clicked a modal will appear with Trust Payments' payment page.

3DS is then checked and if there’s no challenge to be shown the customer will be redirected to your booking engine/online voucher system confirmation page. If a 3DS challenge is required, it will be shown on the next step, and then the customer will be redirected to your booking engine/online voucher system confirmation page.

This card number is tokenised so an additional payment can be charged later. Zero amounts are accepted here, if the amount to be charged is zero then the card details will just be checked and stored. The ‘amount’ part of the booking summary in the screenshot above will be hidden in this case.

DCC is not available currently. This was disabled on our account to allow zero payments, since when DCC is enabled the provider always requires an amount to be charged.



Full card details cannot be viewed. The remaining payment amount can be processed, and the payment can be refunded when canceling the booking or voucher order. Clicking on the card will show all transactions associated with the order, including the reference ID from Trust Payments:

 This reference ID can also be used to search the reports: