Writing Engaging Marketing Emails

Let’s start with your subject line

Your subject line should be compelling and grab your audience’s attention enough to earn a click. Keep it clear and catchy, and align it with the copy in your email. An effective subject line is to the point and personalised if possible.

Next is your pre-header text

This should be treated like a second subject line. It is the next opportunity to encourage readers to open your email, and is particularly key when it comes to mobile. Use compelling, clear, and persuasive words.

Thirdly is the body of text - here are a few tips 

  • Use simple language. Your audience may not be familiar with the 'business' terms - for example, DBB may not immediately bring to mind Dinner, Bed and Breakfast. Use words that are clear and easy to understand

  • Speak to readers directly, write in the second person, and focus on your customer rather than your brand. Aim to facilitate a genuine, human connection with readers by being conversational. Try and speak to your customers as you would to friends

  • Be brief - keep emails short and to-the-point. This will help hold your audience’s interest and will help to keep you on topic. Human attention spans are becoming increasingly shorter - your email should be easy to scan. Keep paragraphs and sentences short. Use bullet points where possible

  • Including a Call to Action is essential. A good CTA is strong, compelling, and lets your audience know exactly why they should click. Make sure your CTA is unmistakably clear, and utilise buttons or bold text to guarantee reader won't miss it

  • Your overall message should be relevant, meaningful and engaging. Be clear about what you are conveying and you always consider clarity before persuasion or attraction. That said, you know the value of your email and your audience doesn’t (yet). Focus on benefits rather than details. This is where your USPs come in – tell your audience why they'll love staying in your hotel

  • The final piece of the puzzle? Imagery. High quality graphics will enhance your email and help to convey much more than words. The human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text so use images to showcase your hotel, facilities and location. TOP TIP: keep your image file sizes small so your email will load faster. Stick to a minimum of 60% text and a maximum of 40% image coverage. Choose images that are optimized for all devices, eye-catching, and relevant.

Finally... ALWAYS send yourself a test email on both desktop and mobile before hitting that send button!